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mardi 28 février 2006

Ajax - Fosdem 2006 - Pourquoi Dojo serait meilleur que ses compétiteurs

Alex Russell , le responsable technique du Dojo Toolkit parle de ses compétiteurs au Fosdem 2006 : "Our competition today are primarily other JavaScript toolkits at various stages of capability, portability, and completion. On the Open Source side there's Rico, Scriptaculous, Zimbra's AjaxTK, and a bunch of others.

I think our strongest competitors are actually the more complete but closed-source tools like Bindows, Backbase, Isomorphic, TIBCO's General Interface, and Microsoft's Atlas [en cours de finalisation et dont on peut voir une vidéo ici!]

The closed-source folks seem to grok that you can't throw away the advantages of markup in much the same way that we do."