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vendredi 17 février 2006

Navigateurs de Google Earth et historiens vous allez vous régaler

Récupérez ces placemarks de Goooooogle Earth

Elles sont excellentes
Google Earth Community: H21's best folders (1959 placemarks)

En voici la sommaire description :


  • 234 french castles in high res, châteaux de France
  • where is the treasure of Alaric
  • the french art of formal gardens (26 placemarks)
  • 10 famous duels
  • fatal bullrings - toreros morts dans l'arène
  • 109 european castles and palaces in high res
  • 42 european official residences in high res
  • Hadrian's villa
  • Ancient Rome in 51 annotated placemarks
  • 32 roman amphitheatres in high res
  • 38 ancient theatres (roman and greek) in high res
  • Where is Alesia ?
  • the 50 most important archaeological sites


  • Paris & Versailles, 18th cent (2Mo)
  • ancient Athens
  • Constantinople (now Istanbul)
  • St Petersburg : overlay 1893 with 5 placemarks
  • Berlin 1910

Google Earth Community: H21's best folders (1959 placemarks)