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La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

samedi 30 octobre 2010

Nouvelles - Du Tibet et de Chine » Woeser, poétesse du Tibét, récompensée par La Fondation internationale pour les femmes dans les médias "

PARIS 2ème / SHANGAÏ, samedi 30 octobre


Seront présents entre autres : France Tibet, Reporters Sans Frontières, Amnesty International France, Les Falun-gong, ...
Le Village sera dressé de 11h à 18h sur la place de la Bourse et les spectacles, conférences auront lieu de 14h à 21h dans la Salle Jean DAME, 17 rue Léopold Bellan 75002 Paris.

Plus d'infos sur le site de la communauté tibétaine de France

"... Even now, every kind of inhumanity and injustice is still being visited upon Tibet.

Many outstanding people, innocent people, have been arrested and sentenced and are suffering unimaginable torment.

I will keep my one-person media operation going, for it is the weapon of the powerless.

To be sure, this weapon consists of the written word; it rests on principles of nonviolence and noncooperation; it draws its energy from our religion, traditions, and culture, as well as the broken condition to which we have been reduced; these provide the strength with which we resist oppression and are the reason why I will never give up or compromise.

The support that comes in from every side, including from you, is a lasting source of my courage.

[Full text here!]

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