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La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Le témoignage posthume accablant du directeur de la centrale de Fukushima (en anglais)

De quoi s'agit-il ?

Une introduction  par le journal Le Monde: Le témoignage posthume accablant du directeur de la centrale de Fukushima

Le rapport lui-même: The Yoshida Testimony

Il s'envoie en l'air avec les pubs - Alan Eustace and the Paragon StratEx Team Make Stratospheric Exploration History

Robert Alan Eustace (Google exec) sets a new record for highest-altitude jump

Alan Eustace and the Paragon StratEx Team make stratospheric exploration history at over  feet.

He's apparently been working on the project since 2011, 

and declined assistance from Google to go it alone,
working with Paragon Space Development Corporation on the project, dubbed "StratEx."

Source: Alan Eustace and the Paragon StratEx Team Make Stratospheric Exploration History

On s'amuse beaucoup avec l'argent de ces entreprises mondialisées, pendant que d'autres se prennent des drones militaires sur la tête ou bien se font tuer pour défendre la planète ou bien se demandent de quoi demain sera fait. Période de chaos...

▶ Un mort au Testet : l'Etat, mais de quel droit ? by La Parisienne Libérée

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dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Magic Leap Secures $542M Led By Google For “Lightweight Wearable” Tech That Merges Physical And Digital Worlds | TechCrunch

It's time to bring magic back to the world

Magic Leap Secures $542M Led By Google For “Lightweight Wearable” Tech That Merges Physical And Digital Worlds | TechCrunch


Google, Legendary and Others Invest $542M in Magic Leap | The Hollywood Reporter
 "... Kids growing up with Magic Leap will be doing what Harry Potter did, not watching or reading it. Doing it. I know that sounds a bit out there, but that’s exactly the experience. Imagine being one of the kids in Hogwarts, interacting with the ghosts, with a magic wand that works. That’s what we’re doing." ...."

& YouTube

& of course Magic Leap

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vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Gary Kildall 40 Years CP/M old source Code | /

'...CP/M pioneered the idea of a ROM based Basic Input Output/System (BIOS) for commonly used routines on a given computer. The use of BIOS made CP/M easy to port. Eventually it was ported to thousands of different machines and architectures, including the Altair, IMSAI 8080, C-64, and C-128 and Apple II systems.

Gary and his company Digital Research, were one of the top contenders for the operating system on IBM’s new personal computer. Ultimately, Microsoft got the job by purchasing 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Products. Somewhat ironically, 86-DOS itself was written based on the CP/M Application Programming interface (API)...'

Source: Gary Kildall: CP/M Source Code Released

which link to: Early Digital Research CP/M Source Code

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