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jeudi 12 octobre 2006

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims - IRCT

Parce que j'ai écrit [ ça !] , j'ai cherché ce qu'il y avait à faire et j'ai découvert l'IRCT organisation internationale basée au Danemark et qui a quand même 20 ans d'existence.

The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (
IRCT) is an independent, international health professional organisation that promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and works for the prevention of torture worldwide.

  • raises awareness of the rehabilitation needs of torture victims,
  • promotes and support the establishment of treatment facilities around the world,
  • works for the prevention of torture and an end to impunity,
  • documents the impact and consequences of torture, and
  • works to increase funding for rehabilitation centres and programmes worldwide.

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