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mardi 22 février 2011

Google’s Speak-to-tweet Service to Libyan Protestors: Send Tweets by Voice - Google+twitter+SayNow via Al Jazeera

Google Provides "Speak to Tweet" Services
to libyan protesters

Al Jazeera reports Google is setting up "speak to tweet" services for Libyans whose twitter service has been shut off by the Gaddafi regime.

Phone numbers:
+1 650 419 4196
+3 906 622 07294
+4 420 331 84514

a group of software experts from Google, Twitter and SayNow (a voice/telephone service which has been a leader in voice-based products which was acquired by Google last week) worked really hard to provide a philanthropic gesture to the oppressed people facing the consequences of this crisis.

More infos on the origin of this service here: Google’s Speak-to-tweet Service: Send Tweets by Voice

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