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dimanche 19 août 2012

a Shadowy Hacker Group Takes Down RT Web Servers - Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Un botnet manipulé par un groupe qui se fait appelé Antileaks a attaqué les serveurs de Russian Today mais a aussi et surtout visé wikileaks.

La reponse des Anonymous ne s'est pas faite attendre sur le theme de: "you, antileaks are proud to be american, we Anonymous are proud to be human etc..". Vous Antileaks êtes fiers d'être américains, nous Anonymous sommes fiers d'être humains...

Ce groupe appelé antileaks se prétend non-gouvernemental mais a usé de moyens extraordinaires  comme parait-il une puissance de (feu ;) ) de 10Gigaoctets/s...

Ore attaquer les ennemis sur le cyber-espace, c'est officiellement un projet du Pentagone appelé Plan X demande qui remonte à 2008 . Il semble que les botnets soient officiellement entrés dans l'arsenal de guerre des USA:

"The Pentagon has not been shy about its decision to attack enemies in cyberspace. It has turned to the private sector for help in building something called “Plan X,” an ambitious “new phase in the nation’s fledgling military operations in cyberspace,” according to the Washington Post

Back in 2008, the Pentagon’s Information Operations Roadmap [.PDF here!] designated the internet as an enemy “weapons system” and declared that the military must be ready to “fight the net.”
Col. Charles W. Williamson III, writing for the Armed Forces Journal, proposed denial-of-service attacks against official enemies. “The days of the fortress are gone, even in cyberspace. While America must harden itself in cyberspace, we cannot afford to let adversaries maneuver in that domain uncontested. The botnet brings the capability to help defeat an enemy attack or hit him before he hits our shores,” Williamson explains.

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 Shadowy Hacker Group Takes Down RT Web Servers

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