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La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

vendredi 1 avril 2011

End of Liberty Vostfr - Super Resistence @ Dailymotion

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Blogger TheCric said...

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

2:29 PM, avril 04, 2011  
Blogger TheCric said...

un commentaire éclairant cette vidéo donné par un américain vivant entre la France et les USA:"... It is obiously sponsored by the ultra-conservative
tea-party conservatives. A little like the Le Pen group.

There is some truth to these charges. For instance, the security at the airports is a great nuisance, and has made flying even worse than before. As for the raw food growers, I do not know much about this, but there has ALWAYS been some prohibition about raw milk, or cheese from unpasteurized milk, which makes French brie in some cases illegal, I believe, or at least it used to be.

I think the attitude of these films is a bit extreme. But you must realize that the United States is a country where identity cards don't exist, so if you do not drive or have a drivers license, you do not have any identity papers. And the majority of Americans do not have passports, which means you can live here and possibly never be known by the authorities. Especially if you do not work for a legitimatre company, so you do not have a social security number. This can ber good for criminals like the Mafiosi. But it also encourages a "Live free or die" attitude (that is
the motto of the state of New Hampshire).

So this video reflects a desire for some people to have little regulation, a normally conservative
attitude that was actually curtailed by President George Bush, who was allegedly a conservative, but which these extremists are blaming more and more on Obama. ..."

2:32 PM, avril 04, 2011  

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