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mardi 15 mars 2011

Angela Merkel fait arrêter 7 centrales nucléaires - Merkel shuts down seven nuclear reactors | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 15.03.2011

Il s'agit des centrales mises en œuvre avant 1980. Ces centrales seront arrêtées jusqu'à la fin de l'étude de risque sur l'extension de la durée de vie de ces centrales.

"Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Tuesday that seven of Germany's 17 nuclear power stations would be shut down, at least until the end of a three-month moratorium on the extension of the lifespans of Germany's nuclear stations.

The decision was made as a direct result of the nuclear disaster currently unfolding at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.

Anti-nuclear protest balloon

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The mood in Germany is swinging against nuclear power

The shutdown affects those power stations that were put into operation before the end of 1980. In addition, all of Germany's nuclear power stations would undergo new safety tests...."

Merkel shuts down seven nuclear reactors | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 15.03.201

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