Panne de LaCie BigDisk - LaCie 1TB Big Disk Drive Failure....Or Not — robotic thoughts...
Les disques BigDisk LaCie tombent en panne et font beaucoup de malheureux, d'autant plus que plus c'est gros, plus la panne fait mal.
Quelquefois il s'agit simplement de l'alimentation qui ne fonctionne plus et qui par ailleurs ne délivre plus un voltage suffisant. Le voyant clignote méchamment et des clics dans le disque se font entendre ce qui fait croire que le/les disque est/sont morts alors qu'il ne s'agit que de l'alimentation. En général un bruit très aigu se fait entendre près de l'alimentation. Ce son aigu (hissing) est même enregistré sur YouTube.
Lacie vous vend bien sûr des alimentations mais cela est plus cher et puis celles-ci sont la cause de vos problèmes non ?
" LaCie 1TB Big Disk Drive Failure....Or Not — robotic thoughts...: "Successfull 'free' recovery
Posted by Burner at Oct 24, 2009 10:06 AM
I had the same problem with my LaCie drive, The drives make noises when they dont get enough power. I took the cover off and tried powering the drives from my PC, this didnt work out, i guess the powersupply were more damaged than i thought.
Ok, i'm a cheapscate, i didnt want to order a new PSU for an old drive ...
I took the two drives out and placed them in my PC.
I fired up Ubuntu Linux, this can be done from a live CD, not requiring installation.
Here is a small guide, I wrote this from memory but I dont think I missed out anything.
1. Download Ubuntu linux live CD and burn to a CD
2. Shut down the system and place both drives in your computer and connect them.
3. Boot the computer from the Ubuntu CD, you dont have to install anything, all 'installations' will be done in memory only and lost after reboot.
4. Open a Terminal 'Applications->Accessories->Terminal' and install a few tools:
Ubuntu:$> sudo aptitude update
Ubuntu:$> sudo aptitude install hfsplus hfsprogs hfsutils mdadm
5. You will need to find the right device files for the two drives.
This will output all known drives and partitions on the computer, two drives we are looking for have Unknown Partition.
Ubuntu:$> sudo sfdisk -d
# partition table of /dev/sdathe out
unit: sectors
/dev/sda1 : start= 2048, size=122880000, Id= 7, bootable
/dev/sda2 : start=122882048, size= 3906056, Id=82
# partition table of /dev/sdc
Unknown partition
# partition table of /dev/sdd
Unknown partition
Ok, our drives is in this case /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd, this will be different on your system.
6. Build the raid md0 from the two drives (none of this write anything to the drives, its perfectly safe)
Ubuntu:$> sudo mdadm -B -l=0 -n 2 --chunk=256 /dev/md0 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd
This output nothing if nothing goes wrong, now check of the kernnel found partitions.
Ubuntu:$> ls /dev/md0*
/dev/md0 /dev/md0p1 /dev/md0p2 /dev/md0p3 /dev/md0p4 /dev/md0p5 /dev/md0p6
If the output show 6 partitions like this, then everything is ok, if only /dev/md0 and /dev/md0p1 is shown, then the drive order is wrong and you will need to switch them around in the raid, to do this, stop md0 'sudo -S /dev/md0' and build the array again with the two drives swiched around like this ... '/dev/md0 /dev/sdd /dev/sdc'
If you dont see all 6 partitions now, you should stop and get professional recovery help ;)
7. Mount the drive.
Ubuntu:$> sudo mkdir -p /media/bigdisk
Ubuntu:$> sudo mount -t hfs /dev/md0p6 /media/bigdisk
Congratulations, you should now be able to access all your data in /media/bigdisk. "
Quelquefois il s'agit simplement de l'alimentation qui ne fonctionne plus et qui par ailleurs ne délivre plus un voltage suffisant. Le voyant clignote méchamment et des clics dans le disque se font entendre ce qui fait croire que le/les disque est/sont morts alors qu'il ne s'agit que de l'alimentation. En général un bruit très aigu se fait entendre près de l'alimentation. Ce son aigu (hissing) est même enregistré sur YouTube.
- Une solution est alors de changer l'alimentation, par exemple chez ou ailleurs (cherchez avec google chez amazon, Ebay etc) ) en prenant bien soin de prendre pour alimenter vos disques un voltage suffisant et si possible plus de puissance (nombre de watts) et aussi de garder les cordons électriques d'origines correspondant aux prises de votre pays.
Lacie vous vend bien sûr des alimentations mais cela est plus cher et puis celles-ci sont la cause de vos problèmes non ?
- Une autre solution est de réparer l'alimentation en changeant les condensateurs qui sont grillés mais c'est à vos propres risques en admettant que vous ayez des connaissances en électronique. Une vidéo vous explique cela ici en anglais Tutorial - Repair - Lacie Power Supply ( en résumé : ne pas se tromper de sens, prendre des condensateurs résistants à plus de voltage et ... savoir souder)
- Une troisième solution plus originale et "sans dépenses" est d'extraire les deux disques du boitier BigDisk et de les remonter dans votre PC, de démarrer celui-ci sous le système d'exploitation Unbuntu puis d'en faire un volume disque valide lisible sur Ubuntu. Le boitier sera recyclé en ce que vous voulez.
" LaCie 1TB Big Disk Drive Failure....Or Not — robotic thoughts...: "Successfull 'free' recovery
Posted by Burner at Oct 24, 2009 10:06 AM
I had the same problem with my LaCie drive, The drives make noises when they dont get enough power. I took the cover off and tried powering the drives from my PC, this didnt work out, i guess the powersupply were more damaged than i thought.
Ok, i'm a cheapscate, i didnt want to order a new PSU for an old drive ...
I took the two drives out and placed them in my PC.
I fired up Ubuntu Linux, this can be done from a live CD, not requiring installation.
Here is a small guide, I wrote this from memory but I dont think I missed out anything.
1. Download Ubuntu linux live CD and burn to a CD
2. Shut down the system and place both drives in your computer and connect them.
3. Boot the computer from the Ubuntu CD, you dont have to install anything, all 'installations' will be done in memory only and lost after reboot.
4. Open a Terminal 'Applications->Accessories->Terminal' and install a few tools:
Ubuntu:$> sudo aptitude update
Ubuntu:$> sudo aptitude install hfsplus hfsprogs hfsutils mdadm
5. You will need to find the right device files for the two drives.
This will output all known drives and partitions on the computer, two drives we are looking for have Unknown Partition.
Ubuntu:$> sudo sfdisk -d
# partition table of /dev/sdathe out
unit: sectors
/dev/sda1 : start= 2048, size=122880000, Id= 7, bootable
/dev/sda2 : start=122882048, size= 3906056, Id=82
# partition table of /dev/sdc
Unknown partition
# partition table of /dev/sdd
Unknown partition
Ok, our drives is in this case /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd, this will be different on your system.
6. Build the raid md0 from the two drives (none of this write anything to the drives, its perfectly safe)
Ubuntu:$> sudo mdadm -B -l=0 -n 2 --chunk=256 /dev/md0 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd
This output nothing if nothing goes wrong, now check of the kernnel found partitions.
Ubuntu:$> ls /dev/md0*
/dev/md0 /dev/md0p1 /dev/md0p2 /dev/md0p3 /dev/md0p4 /dev/md0p5 /dev/md0p6
If the output show 6 partitions like this, then everything is ok, if only /dev/md0 and /dev/md0p1 is shown, then the drive order is wrong and you will need to switch them around in the raid, to do this, stop md0 'sudo -S /dev/md0' and build the array again with the two drives swiched around like this ... '/dev/md0 /dev/sdd /dev/sdc'
If you dont see all 6 partitions now, you should stop and get professional recovery help ;)
7. Mount the drive.
Ubuntu:$> sudo mkdir -p /media/bigdisk
Ubuntu:$> sudo mount -t hfs /dev/md0p6 /media/bigdisk
Congratulations, you should now be able to access all your data in /media/bigdisk. "
Libellés : outils, Système de fichiers, Ubuntu
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